Governance Bodies » Governance Bodies

Governance Bodies




The Local School Leadership Council considers all points of view and solicits the advice and council of parent organziations, other employee groups, and all other interested parties. The council has the following functions and responsibilities:
  • Determine staff development program
  • Develop student discipline guidelines and code of student conduct
  • Schedule school activities, events, and special schedules. (The council does not have authority over the scheduling of activities and events mandated by the Board of Education.)
  • Guidelines for the use of school equipment
  • Certain local budgetary matters (accounts 4170, 5381, 4111, 4152, and 4267)


50% of the Council shall be comprised of the UTLA Chapter Chair and certificated employees elected by the certificated bargaining unit
employees at the site; the other 50% shall be comprised of the principal, elected parent/community representatives, an elected non-certificated employee representative and, at the secondary level, a student representative.
  • 1 UTLA Chapter Chair
  • 7 other certificated employees, elected by bargaining unit members
  • 1 Principal
  • 1 Non-certificated employee
  • 1 Student Representative
  • 5 Parent/Community Representatives




The SSC is the decision-making council for all programs funded through the Consolidated Application (ConAp). The SSC is responsible for the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), in consultation with the English Learner Advisory Committee, other relevant stakeholders and, where applicable, the School Advisory Committee. The SSC is also responsible for meeting all school level federal parental involvement mandates including the development of the Title I parent involvement policy and budget (E046) and the Title I parent-school compact.


Comprehensive secondary SSCs shall be no fewer than 12 members and be constituted to ensure parity. The membership shall be:
  • The principal
  • 4 classroom teachers
  • 1 other school personnel
  • 3 Parents and other community members elected by parents
  • 3 Student representatives elected by the entire student body. Any student is eligible to be the elected representative.


The Associated Student Body is an organization composed of all students currently enrolled and attending Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets. This student organization has been given the responsibility by the Board of Education to govern and assist all campus clubs, athletic teams and other student organizations.
 The ASB sponsors over 100 activities (athletic contests, assemblies, dances, rallies, noon time activities, etc.), operates the Comet Shop (to raise funds for activities), a business office (to spend funds on activities), represents student interests on various faculty and administrative committees at the school and district levels, and conducts its business in the business office (Room A-9).
The ASB is self-sufficient — it does not receive district or tax-payer funds to operate. The ASB has an Activities Director (Ms. Tricia Prokopidis) and a Finance Manager (Ms. Gwendolyn Gibson) to assist your elected officers. The ASB Constitution gives your elected student officers the privilege to represent you and make decisions that affect all students on a daily basis.


  • Terri Grinner
  • Justin Cohen
Student Representative
  • Elected Individual
Faculty/Staff Representatives
  • Alonia Alexander
  • Patrick Ingram
  • Lauren McNally
  • Veianca Millet
  • Rick Nelsen
  • Alan Sacks
  • Joseph Starks
Parent/Community Members
  • Kelly Morisaki
  • Ebony Batiste


In the 2020 - 2021 school year, a new council will be voted on by the school community. Watch for announcements regarding elections here.



CEAC Documents:

Leadership Council Documents


School Site Council Documents