Gifted S.T.E.A.M. Magnet » Gifted S.T.E.A.M. Magnet

Gifted S.T.E.A.M. Magnet


The Gifted and High Ability STEAM Magnet is one of three magnets on the WESM campus, allowing our students to experience high school in a comprehensive setting. We are partnered with UCLA and LMU, providing our students with tools necessary to put them on a secure university pathway. Students not only visit the college campuses, they are also offered amazing opportunities and support given by college-bound programs such as LMU Upward Bound, UCLA VIPs, and CO-OP. Through clubs like Robotics, Academic Decathlon, and our gold-medal winning MESA program, students gain the experience of competing in model bridge, airplane and car competitions, Robotics competitions throughout Southern California, and the Aspen Challenge.


Students in the Gifted-High Ability STEAM Magnet will engage in a rigorous curriculum so that they can connect abstract scientific learning to the applied sciences. In Westchester, we are surrounded by the aviation and aerospace industries, with LAX and countless aerospace companies in our immediate vicinity. This provides a wealth of internship and job shadowing opportunities, including an annual field trip to our local Boeing plant, where students build functioning model rockets alongside actual Boeing engineers.


Mr. Nelsen the Lead Teacher of the Gifted Magnet takes students to tours of Europe on a regular basis. This year he went to London and Paris for a ten day excursion and exploration of English and French culture. A fun time was had by all.