Student Support Services » Student Support

Student Support

Welcome to Student Support!

We are so glad you found our page! School pressure and relationships with others can be challenging and our team is here to help.
If you broke a bone you wouldn't hesitate to go get it checked out because you're in pain and know you need help from an expert. Our mental health needs should be treated the same way. When we feel overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions it can affect our mood, our motivation, and our focus which in turn impacts our academic performance and interactions with others.

Jasmin Roseland, ASW, MSW 

Psychiatric Social Worker 
School Mental Health | Student Health and Human Services
P: (310) 338-2400 

Lauren Thompson, ASW, PPS, CWA

Psychiatric Social Worker 
Black Student Achievement Plan 
School Mental Health | Student Health and Human Services
P: (310) 338-2400

Parents and students, please use this QR code or this link to submit a referral for a student in need of mental health services/support. 

You are not alone. We are here to help.


Please click on the image below to access ideas for self-care.