Attendance Office

- Registration/enrollment and withdrawal information
- Student attendance and student absences/tardy information
- Picking up students early
Office Hours
8:00am - 3:30pm (M - F)
Phone: 310-338-2419
Phone: 310-338-2419
Dr. Dadrass, Assistant Principal
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Jillian Ragulen, Attendance Office Technician
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Stephanie Ohara, Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor
Email: [email protected]
Attendance Policy and Procedures 2023-24
Attendance Goal: 96%!!
(1 or less absence every 25 days or fewer than 7 absences for the school year)
Regular and punctual attendance is mandatory for all students. Regular school attendance is important for student success and achievement. All students are expected to attend all classes, each day, on time. We need your support.
View the School Attendance Guide for Parents for more information.
Excusable Absence
- Illness absence with a doctor’s note, authorization by school nurse, other authorized school official, or parent/guardian note.
- Exclusion from school supported by written documentation by nurse or other designated school official.
- Medical appointments verified by a written note from a doctor or parent/guardian note.
- Quarantine of the home; verified by the health department.
- Funeral due to the death of a member of the student’s immediate family (1 day, within the state; 3 days, outside the state).
- Student’s appearance in court verified by court note or parent/guardian note.
- Absences for justifiable personal reasons with prior written request and written approval from the principal; such as observance of a holiday, religious ceremony/retreat, college or job interview.
Unexcused Absence
- Unverified illness (no note was provided)
- Vacations/Trips
- Babysitting
- Care of Parent/Parent illness
- Running errands for family
- Runaway
- Unspecified Family Emergency
- Inclement Weather
- Missed bus/transportation
- Court appointment of parent/guardian
Attendance Procedures at WESM
Students must turn in an absence note with a reason for the absence from the doctor, the court, or the parent/legal guardian to the Attendance Office on the day of return from the absence. The office is open at 8:00am.
Excessive use of parent/legal guardian notes may result in the school requesting additional documentation for all future absences. Unexcused absences may be considered truancies.
In the event of medical or dental appointment during school hours, students must provide note to the Attendance Office or parents can check students out in person. Students who leave campus without checking out through Attendance Office will be marked truant.
LAUSD mails families a Notice of Truancy letter when students have 3 or more unexcused absences, period absences and/or tardies in excess of 30 minutes.
Automated phone calls are sent daily to notify parents/legal guardians of absences and tardy’s. Parents/legal guardians can contact the Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor, Ms. Ohara at 310-338-2415 (or SAA, Mrs. Hernandez for Spanish speaking parents 310-338-2403) when they are notified that their child is absent or tardy without their permission.
Students with excessive absences will be referred for further intervention which may include a referral to the school site Student Attendance Review Team (SART), the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) and Juvenile Court.
**Parents are encouraged to contact school staff and teachers regularly to inquire about their child’s attendance and request assistance as needed.
Enrollment at WESM
For enrollment, see the Magnet Office page for enrollment process and documents needed for enrollment.
Withdrawal from WESM
For withdrawal, parents/legal guardians must authorize a student’s withdrawal from WESM. Withdrawal forms are to be completed in the Attendance Office. Students who are withdrawing from WESM should have all their textbooks and technology devices ready to turn in.
Tardy Policy and Procedures
Tardiness has a direct correlation to poor student performance and is detrimental to the total learning environment. Students are considered tardy when they are not in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Any unexcused tardy in excess of 30 minutes, may count towards truancy.
Unexcused tardies and excessive use of parent/legal guardian tardy notes will result in intervention.
Delayed LAUSD school bus: Students need to sign into the Attendance Office and receive an excused late school bus tardy pass to class.
Students allowed to leave a classroom by the teacher must carry a school hall pass and have a current school ID card. Students out of class, for any reason, without a pass may be marked tardy or truant.
Tardy sweeps will be conducted randomly throughout the day.
The consequences for tardies will be progressive and occur as follows:
- Automated Phone Call
- Detention
- Student Conference
- Parent Conference
- Referral to PSA Counselor
- Privileges to attend school activities may be suspended depending on the number of tardies.